2.1 Finance

Every business requires finance to kick-start operations, fuel growth, and manage daily activities. The money may be needed to acquire essential assets like machinery, buildings, or for recurring expenses such as salaries and utilities.

Internal Sources of Finance

When money comes from within the business itself, it's known as internal finance. Here's how it works:

  1. Owner’s Capital (Personal Savings):
  2. Retained Profit:
  3. Sale of Assets:
  4. Effective Working Capital Management:

Pros and Cons of Internal Finance



2.2 Sales Forecasts

Sales forecasts are crucial for businesses to predict their future revenues based on past sales data. They help in making informed decisions regarding resource allocation, financial planning, and strategic actions. A sales forecast might consider several aspects like the volume and value of sales, market size, impact of promotional activities, and cyclical factors like seasonal demands.